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How to incorporate superfoods into your daily routine for better health

Of course! A healthy lifestyle usually involves a few key elements:   1. **Nutrition**: Eat a bal…

Chia Seeds In Hindi Side Effects And Benefits

CHIA SEEDS are little, oval-molded seeds that come from the Salvia hispanica plant, which is an in…

6 Health Benefits of Corn flour & corn

Sure, here are six health benefits of corn: Corn benifit  1. Nutrient-rich: Corn is packed with ess…

Top 10 foods for yoga tips

10 Foods to Support Your Yoga Practice  Top 10 foods for yoga  Regardless of whether you'…

Stay home physically active during self quarantine

As new COVID-19 cases still emerge within the WHO European Region, many healthy individuals are …

20 Healthy Foods list for Coronavirus

Coronavirus  time per very inprotant healthy food... 20 Healthy Foods to Add To Your Coronaviru…

vitamin c supplements health benefits

Vitamin C has been widely regarded as essential to everyone’s nutrition for years now, especia…

7 healthy carrot nutrition

The carrot (Daucus carota) is a root vegetable frequently professed to be the ideal wellbeing …

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